How do I know if I have a natural gas leak?
Natural gas has no odor. To help you detect the presence of natural gas, a strong odorant that smells like rotten eggs is added. We urge you to immediately call us when you first smell a natural gas odor.
If you smell this odor:
- Immediately exit the building.
- Do not use matches, lighters, electrical switches, appliances or your telephone.
- Call NJNG from a nearby building by dialing 800-GAS-LEAK (800-427-5325).
- Do not re-enter the building until NJNG has declared it safe.
- Our personnel will be happy to assist you. This service is provided at no charge, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
What are the warning signs of carbon monoxide poisoning?
Symptoms are often mistaken for those of the flu – severe headaches, nausea, vomiting and fatigue. However, with carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning, there is usually no fever and symptoms tend to clear up when you breathe fresh air. Also, CO poisoning affects pets. If you have any questions about CO poisoning, or think you are experiencing symptoms, call 800-POISON (800-764-7661). If an emergency exists, get fresh air and call 911.
To help you avoid the dangers of CO poisoning, it's important to have your heating equipment checked for safety and efficiency. When your natural gas-fired appliances don't work properly, they may produce CO — a colorless, odorless and potentially dangerous gas. Carbon monoxide can build to dangerous levels in your home or garage. If inhaled in large quantities for a prolonged period, CO can cause unconsciousness, brain damage and death.
If I need to dig in my yard, who do I call before I start?
- CALL BEFORE YOU DIG! Before you dig any hole in the street or your yard, call New Jersey’s “One Call” system at 811 or 800-272-1000 for a free markout of underground water, sewer, electric and natural gas utility lines. Help prevent injury or damage to property by making this call before you dig. It’s the law.
How do I convert to natural gas?
If your home heating bills send chills down your spine, you should look into converting to clean, efficient and economical natural gas heat. Call 800-221-0051 or e-mail us to learn more about switching to natural gas.
If you are also interested in financing your switch to natural gas heat, be sure to inquire about the current conversion loan program. If you're already a natural gas heat customer, consider converting other appliances such as your clothes dryer, water heater and range to natural gas. It's easier than you think!
If you decide to convert your heating system or any appliance to natural gas, please let us know. This helps us plan ahead so we can deliver reliable service to all of our customers on even the coldest winter days.
How do I read my bill?
Why is my bill so high this month?
Higher than “normal” bills occur for various reasons. Consider the following factors, which may contribute to increased consumption.
- Clogged filters
- New or additional appliances may have been added
- Faulty gas appliances or thermostats
- Previous low estimated readings
- Incorrect reading or estimate
- High ceilings
- Poor insulation
- Damper left open on a fireplace
- Higher rates
- Changes in weather conditions
- Most thermostats can be lowered only to 50 degrees. If the temperature in the house should drop below 50 degrees, the furnace will come on. The colder the outside temperature, the longer the furnace will run to maintain the inside temperature.
- Changes in normal living habits due to an illness or increase in family size
- Leaks in your hot water system or a dripping faucet
- Increased usage during a holiday or special occasion
How do I read my natural gas meter?
- Reading your natural gas meter is easy! We use two kinds of meters for residential customers. One is a direct dial meter that can be read like a digital clock. However, the most common meter has dials. More information about reading meters.
How do I know if NJNG has read my meter?
- This information is found on the upper left side of your bill under CURRENT METER READING IS. If the word “Actual” is in that box, then we read the meter that month. If the word “Calculated” is there, then the bill was estimated that month.
What are my payment options?
- You can pay your NJNG bill online, by phone, by mail or in person with a debit to your checking or savings account. We offer credit card and debit card payment options through a service provided by Kubra.
Do you offer a budget plan?
- Yes. You can help balance your home energy bills by joining the NJNG Budget Plan. You’ll pay your anticipated yearly natural gas costs in 12 equal payments. You'll know what your payment will be every month. If you wish to join the Budget Plan, just pay the “Budget Option” amount that appears on your monthly bill along with any other non-gas charges by the payment due date.
When does my budget plan renew?
- Our budget plan year runs from August through July. At the end of the budget year, we calculate your total natural gas usage and compare it to the total amount of budget charges billed to date. We then either credit your NJNG account or bill you for the balance due. Credits will be applied to your NJNG account, which will be reflected in your August bill. If there is a balance due, you have the option of paying it in full or adding the balance to the next budget plan year. Your budget option is then re-calculated and automatically renewed for the next budget plan year.Additional information is available on our Budget Plan page.
Why did my budget amount change in mid-year?
- A mid-year review based on your natural gas usage and anticipated costs will determine if your payment amount needs to be adjusted. This adjustment helps minimize large debit or credit balances at the end of the budget plan year.
What do the “Other Charges” on my budget summary mean?
- Other charges on your natural gas bill are charges other than energy charges.
Can I pay more than my budget amount due?
- Paying more than the budget amount due creates incorrect budget information. If you pay more, it is necessary to contact our business office so we can make an adjustment to ensure the account balances correctly.
Why did my budget amount change during the months?
- Our budget period runs from August through July. Your budget amount is based on your anticipated natural gas costs spread evenly over 12 months. You can join the budget at any time; however, if you do so in the middle of the budget period, you will not have made 12 consecutive monthly payments on the Budget Plan. To compensate for that missed time, your budget option may increase in January to ensure that forecasted payments reflect your energy use.
What is ZipCheck and how can it benefit me?
- ZipCheck is a safe, convenient way to automatically pay your NJNG monthly bill. With your authorization, the total amount due will be electronically deducted from your checking or savings account on the due date shown on your bill. You’ll have peace of mind knowing your bill is paid on time each and every month. There are no checks to write, no stamps to buy and no sign-up fees to pay.
How do I enroll in ZipCheck and how long does it take?
To enroll, you can:
(1) Login to My Account and enroll onlineOR:
(2) Print and complete the ZipCheck form and mail it to:
New Jersey Natural Gas Processing Department
PO Box 1476
Wall, NJ 07719-9970From the receipt of your enrollment request, it can take up to 10 calendar days to process your enrollment. Continue to pay your bill as you have in the past until your NJNG bill states: “Paid by ZipCheck.”
What if I change my mind and want to cancel my ZipCheck enrollment?
You can cancel ZipCheck at anytime. Login to My Account and choose Deactivate ZipCheck after checking the Manage My Status link.
If your current bill amount was sent to your bank for payment, it cannot be stopped. The deactivation will become effective with your next bill.
Can I enroll in ZipCheck if I have more than one NJNG account?
Yes, however you have to enroll separately for each NJNG account. You can enroll each account online at My Account or print and complete a ZipCheck form for each account and mail form to:
New Jersey Natural Gas Processing Dept.
PO Box 1476
Wall, NJ 07719-9970Please note, once received, it will take 10 calendar days to process your request.
What if my account number changes or I change banks?
You can update your account information by either logging in to My Account and choosing Change My Bank Information after clicking on the ZipCheck Manage My Status link, or print and complete a ZipCheck form for each account and mail forms to:
New Jersey Natural Gas Processing Dept.
PO Box 1476
Wall, NJ 07719-9970Please note, once received, it will take 10 calendar days to process your request.
Is there a fee if my ZipCheck auto debit payment is returned not paid?
- Yes, a $10 charge will be added to your account for each payment returned by the bank for insufficient funds, stopped payment or if the authorization is revoked by the customer.
How can I lower my energy costs?
Conserve energy.* During the summer months, we encourage homeowners to arrange for an inspection of all of their home natural gas appliances and heating and water-heating natural gas equipment to make sure they work efficiently and safely. Some people may also want to get a home energy audit, which will pinpoint ways to make the home more energy-efficient (such as adding storm windows or sealing leaky doors). You may also qualify for FREE energy conservation and weatherization services from the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP).
Replace aging appliances.* Consumers who have aging natural gas furnaces and water heaters should consider replacing them with new units, which use fuel more efficiently. High-efficiency units cost more to buy, but they save money over the long run. For example, buying a high-efficiency (93 percent efficiency rating) natural gas furnace instead of a conventional unit (78 percent efficiency rating), could save the average homeowner $135 per year in energy bills. (SOURCE: American Gas Association) Rebates on high-efficiency units are also available.
Request special assistance. Customers who are struggling to pay their natural gas bills should contact NJNG for information about energy assistance programs. NJNG will work closely with any customer who needs help paying their natural gas bill.
For further information, go to the Payment Assistance area of our Web site.
*Consult with a licensed appliance repair contractor.
Are there any resources available that can help if I am having trouble paying my gas bills?
NJNG encourages customers facing financial hardship to apply for energy assistance. We want you to know that you are not alone and help may be just a phone call away.
Programs are available to help income-qualified households as well as those experiencing temporary or unanticipated difficulties, such as unemployment or illness.
For further information, go to the Payment Assistance area of our Web site.
Can I look for a better price than NJNG’s and purchase my natural gas from another supplier?
Yes. Deregulation in New Jersey has brought about competition in the energy industry. NJNG can provide you with a list of suppliers so you can directly contact them to compare prices for your natural gas supply.
If you are considering purchasing your natural gas from a third-party supplier, keep in mind that those companies also try to obtain a good price. However, it does not necessarily mean that they may be able to get a better price than the local utility.
Why did NJNG issue a temporary Basic Gas Supply Service (BGSS) Rate Credit Adjustment of $0.1220 per therm effective December 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020 for residential sales customers and general service small sales customers using less than 5,000 therms annually?
NJNG continuously monitors the natural gas markets and makes every effort to reduce the impact of higher natural gas prices whenever possible. Because of rate case refunds received from interstate pipelines and lower wholesale natural gas prices, we now are able to provide a reduction in bills this winter to benefit our residential sales customers and general service small sales customers using less than 5,000 therms annually.
The BGSS credit amount will be $0.1220 per therm. Typical customers using 158.2 therms from December 1 through December 31, 2020 will receive a credit of approximately $19, or 11.2% of the total December 2020 bill. Since NJNG is a regulated utility, our BGSS price is set to cover only the cost of natural gas purchased for our customers with no markup on the wholesale price. NJNG makes no profit from this charge. We simply pass this cost through to our customers.
NJNG remains committed to meeting your expectations for reliability and value, every day. We continue to offer customers help in managing their natural gas costs through our Budget Plan, energy-saving tips and energy assistance programs.
Why did NJNG extend its temporary Basic Gas Supply Service (BGSS) Rate Credit Adjustment through January 31, 2021 for residential sales customers and general service small sales customers using less than 5,000 therms annually? This BGSS credit initially was applied to customer bills in December 2020.
NJNG continuously monitors the natural gas markets and makes every effort to reduce the impact of higher natural gas prices whenever possible. Because of continued lower wholesale natural gas prices, we are able to extend the temporary rate credit through January 31, 2021 for our residential sales customers and general service small sales customers using less than 5,000 therms annually.
The BGSS credit amount will remain at $0.1220 per therm. For the month of January, the average residential heating customer using 197 therms will receive a credit of approximately $24. The average residential heating customer will receive a total credit of approximately $43, or 11% of the total bill, for the December through January period.
Since NJNG is a regulated utility, our BGSS price is set to cover only the cost of natural gas purchased for our customers with no markup on the wholesale price. NJNG makes no profit from this charge. We simply pass this cost through to our customers.
NJNG remains committed to meeting your expectations for reliability and value, every day. We continue to offer customers help in managing their natural gas costs through our Budget Plan, energy-saving tips and energy assistance programs.
What prices changed on October 1, 2022?
The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) regulates New Jersey Natural Gas (NJNG), and recently approved several changes to NJNG’s Tariff rates effective October 1, 2022.
These changes include:
- Increase to the Base Rates
- Increase to Periodic Basic Gas Supply Service (BGSS) rate
- Increase to the Conservation Incentive Program (CIP) rates for residential customers; decrease to the CIP rates for General Service – Small and General Service – Large customers
- Increase to the Balancing Charge
- Decrease to the statewide Universal Service Fund (USF) rate
- Decrease to the Energy-Efficiency (EE) rate
The change to the base rates increases the delivery charge. The base rate changes are to recover actual in-service costs related to NJNG’s Infrastructure Investment Program through June 30, 2022, and will result in a 0.4% increase for the typical residential heating customer.
The BGSS recovers the cost of natural gas purchased by and delivered to NJNG for use by its customers. The price NJNG pays for natural gas is the same price you pay — without any markup. As authorized by the regulators, NJNG directly passes that cost through to you, as reflected in your bill.
Due to increased wholesale natural gas prices, the Periodic BGSS rate is increasing. The impact to an average residential heating customer’s overall bill is a 12.5% increase.
- Wholesale natural gas prices have more than doubled since last year’s filing in May 2021. For NJNG to recover these costs, an additional increase is needed.
- Our purchasing strategies and storage contracts offer some protection to our customers against significantly higher prices and volatility in the wholesale market.
The CIP is designed to normalize year-to-year fluctuations on both NJNG’s gross margin and customers’ bills, which may result from changing weather and usage patterns. The impact to a typical residential heating customer’s total bill is a 1.8% increase.
The Balancing Charge covers the costs of matching natural gas deliveries with actual consumption. The impact to a typical residential heating customer’s total bill is a 1.1% increase.
The USF is a permanent, statewide energy assistance program funded through charges to energy customers for the benefit of income-eligible residents. The USF rate is part of the Societal Benefits Charge included in the delivery charge on your bill. The impact to a typical residential heating customer’s total bill is a 0.2% decrease.
The EE rate, which is included in the delivery charge on your bill, recovers costs for NJNG’s energy-efficiency program The SAVEGREEN Project®. The impact to a typical residential heating customer’s total bill is a 0.4% decrease.
The total net impact of the overall changes to a residential heating customer’s total bill is a 15.2% increase. A typical residential heating customer using 100 therms a month would see their bill go from $136.21 to $156.94 – an increase of $20.73.
NJNG remains committed to meeting your expectations for reliability and value every day. We continue to offer customers help in managing their natural gas costs through our Budget Plan, energy-saving tips and energy assistance programs.
Why did NJNG issue a temporary Basic Gas Supply Service (BGSS) Rate Credit Adjustment of $0.5054 per therm effective March 1, 2023, through March 31, 2023, for residential customers and general service small sales customers using less than 5,000 therms annually?
NJNG is offering a temporary rate credit adjustment to BGSS residential and general service small sales customers using less than 5,000 therms annually as a result of the company’s natural gas supply management strategies, recent lower wholesale natural gas prices and anticipated interstate pipeline rate case refunds.
The BGSS credit amount is $0.5054 per therm. The average residential heating customer using 134.3 therms from March 1 through March 31, 2023, will receive a total credit of approximately $68, or a 4.3% savings on the average customer’s yearly bill.
Since NJNG is a regulated utility, the BGSS price is set to cover only the cost of natural gas purchased for customers with no markup on the wholesale price. NJNG makes no profit from this charge. We simply pass this cost through to our customers.
What price will decrease on March 1, 2023?
On February 22, 2023, NJNG filed a letter notification with the Board of Public Utilities that it will implement a BGSS price decrease effective March 1, 2023, resulting in a 3.9% decrease to a residential heating customer’s total bill.
Due to the Company’s natural gas supply management strategies, recent lower wholesale natural gas costs and anticipated interstate pipeline rate case refunds, NJNG is providing this reduction in the BGSS price to residential customers and general service small sales customers using less than 5,000 therms annually. We continuously monitor the natural gas markets and make every effort to reduce the impact of higher natural gas prices, whenever possible. A typical customer using 1,000 therms annually would see their bill decrease by $61.60, or 3.9%.
NJNG remains committed to meeting your expectations for reliability and value every day. We continue to offer customers help in managing their natural gas costs through our Budget Plan, energy-saving tips and energy assistance programs.